— Grade 5 Notes—

— Online Learning —

Links to help you learn.

Check back often as new sites are always being added. 

20 virtual field trips

- Art Museums, zoos, aquariums and travel the World.  There are also activities and resources to enhance each section.

PBS Learning Media

Math, Social, Science, L.A. and more.

Storyonline Online

Listen to someone read a book to you

How Stuff Works

Everything and anything

10 Best Educational Websites for Kids

According to Parenting.com

Scholastic Learn at Home

Day-by-day projects.


What are you wondering?

Smithsonian for Kids

Fun stuff for kids.

17 Fun and Free Educational Websites

According to Verywellfamily.com


Games, videos and books.


Math games

Wide Open School

Everything and I mean everything. 

An AWESOME site 


Father Catfish's Website

St. John XXIII Prayer

Dear Jesus,
Pope Saint John XXIII encouraged us not to concern ourselves with our failures, but rather with what is still possible for us to accomplish.  Please help me to remember that with You all things are possible.  Pope Saint John XXIII, please pray for me in my hour of need.


We acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of Treaty 6 and home of Métis Nation of Alberta Region 4. We also acknowledge the Inuit and other diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors have marked this territory for centuries, a place that has welcomed many peoples from around the world to make their home here. We, at Edmonton Catholic Schools, commit to restoring and honouring the Truth and Reconciliation calls to action; we strongly believe that truth must be acknowledged to move forward to reconciliation. Together we call upon all our collective communities to build a stronger understanding of all peoples who dwell on this land we call home.

Ukrainian Easter Eggs  -  Pysanka

— Science —


When you think of Science, you think of mad scientists, puffs of smoke, mixing and combining things together while bolts of lightning spark and then... Frankenstein lives!! Okay, so we won't be bringing the dead back to life but we will be getting our mad scientist on. We'll be dissolving and mixing things, creating crystals, evaporating things, and testing different chemical reactions. Welcome to our lab!

Physical Education and Welness

St John XXIII School, 365 Windermere Rd. N.W.Edmonton, AB. T6W 0V9, 780 469-2451
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